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客户信赖您的机队交付产品. bbin电竞游戏保险® 安全系统套件旨在帮助您做到这一点-以及更多. Get ready for next-level driver comfort 和 the latest in automated safety with our collision mitigation system for 卡车.


Active Brake Assist (ABA5) mitigates potential collisions by calculating truck speed 和 distance to other vehicles. 这将决定是否需要警告或制动动作.

  • 对移动的行人完全刹车 能检测到一个人即将走进卡车的路径吗. It issues audio 和 visual warnings with simultaneous partial braking first, 如果司机没有反应,就会全力刹车.
  • 移动和静止车辆的完全制动 能识别在卡车路径上移动或静止的车辆. When the system detects a potential obstacle, it issues audio 和 visual warnings. Depending on the situation, partial 和 full braking may activate as well.


Side Guard Assist (SGA) alerts drivers of objects in their passenger-side blind spots. As a passive collision mitigation system, SGA won’t de-throttle or stop your vehicle. 相反,它让司机在控制中. 如果卡车的乘客侧离移动的人或物体太近, the system will warn the driver not to complete the right turn or make a right-h和 lane change.


主动侧保护辅助(ASGA)将安全性提高了一步. This industry-first technology engages at urban speeds (less than 12 mph) activating brakes to help prevent a truck from making a right turn into a moving cyclist or pedestrian.


Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) to 0 MPH automatically adjusts a truck’s cruising speed to maintain a safe following distance from other vehicles. 有能力保持巡航控制更长时间, 司机一整天都不那么疲劳, 让他们更加警觉.

ACC也适用于走走停停的交通. 当卡车前面的车辆开始减速时, 甚至停了下来, 卡车会停下来并按住刹车. 如果停车时间少于两秒, 一旦前面的车辆移动,卡车就会重新开始移动. 停留时间超过两秒, the driver can easily resume motion by engaging the throttle or pushing set/resume.


借助融合相机和雷达bbin捕鱼游戏平台, 主动车道辅助系统(ALA)使驾驶员在道路上安全舒适. ALA的特点提高了低速机动性, reduce road vibrations 和 increase ease of steering via micro-adjustments.

  • 车道保持辅助(LKA) identifies lane markers 和 helps the driver keep their vehicle centered in its lane.
  • 车道偏离保护(LDP) detects when the truck is drifting out of its lane 和 actively steers it back on course.
  • 车道保持辅助细心的驾驶员保护系统 helps protect the driver 和 surrounding traffic in the unlikely event that the driver becomes incapacitated. 的 technology will actively bring the truck to a stop while keeping it in its lane.


后挡板警告 alerts a driver when they follow another vehicle too closely while traveling over 20 mph – 和 can even report these events via bbin电竞游戏连接® 帮助提高驾驶员培训水平.


Even the most experienced drivers can get distracted on the way to the job site. 车道偏离警告 helps keep an eye on the road so your vehicles can travel the open road safely. It alerts the driver with a rumble sound 和 dash warning if their truck veers from its lane without signaling.


驾驶智能,因为你工作与交通标志显示. 这个方便, optional feature utilizes the Detroit 保证 proprietary HD camera to automatically read up to two traffic signs in real time 和 display relevant sign information, 比如速度限制, 在仪表板上.


主动速度干预(ASI)是可选的, industry-first technology that’s designed to deter drivers from speeding 和 to help new drivers adopt safe driving practices. This feature works with 交通标志显示 to issue a passive alert when the driver exceeds the speed limit. 如果司机没有回应, ASI将发出主动警告, 如果需要的话, 会取消自适应巡航控制系统还是给卡车减油门.


制动保持模式提高安全性和舒适性,无论工作发生. 一旦被激活, this feature keeps the truck stopped when the driver removes their foot from the brake pedal, 或者他们的脚在卡车停着的时候滑倒了.


Keeping a clear view of the job site is easy with Automatic Headlights 和 Wipers that turn on 和 off when visibility or weather changes.


的 智能闪远光灯 feature automatically disengages high-beam headlights when the camera detects tail lights, headlights or city lights – 和 turns them back on once these light sources are no longer visible.


如果真的发生意外,bbin电竞游戏保险公司也会为你投保. You can set the system to automatically take a 20-30 second snapshot of both truck 和 driver activity during a severe traffic event 和 have it automatically loaded to a web portal for review.


一些保证功能都是标准的 集装箱货运列车®西方明星® 卡车. Others are optional or require pairing with a specific Detroit engine 和 transmission.

要了解更多关于您的车辆的标准和可选功能, 点击这里.



  • 智能远光灯 automatically switches a truck’s headlights from high to low beams when the system detects environmental light from cities or another vehicle’s headlights or taillights. Once the vehicle or city lights are out of sight, high beams switch back on.
  • 自动刮水器/前照灯 turn wipers 和 headlights on or off to match weather 和 lighting conditions. 雨刷和前灯控制必须设置为自动工作.
  • 后挡板警告 issues visible alerts on the dash as well as sounds when the truck’s following distance is too short in relation to its speed for 10 seconds or longer. 一旦被激活, 后挡板警告 will deactivate only when the truck reduces its speed to less than 20 miles per hour. Remaining in 后挡板警告 mode for 10 seconds or longer will make the event reportable to the selected telematics system.
  • 车道偏离警告 issues audio 和 visual alerts when a truck crosses lane markers without using a turn signal.
  • 交通标志显示 使用摄像头读取速度限制和其他交通标志. From here, the system conveniently displays relevant sign information in the instrument cluster.


  • 前向视频捕捉 utilizes a truck’s front-facing camera to record the vehicle’s activity before, 在严重交通事故期间和之后. This technology provides fleets better insight into what occurs during crashes so they’re easier to prevent in the future. 面向前的视频捕捉镜头可以通过门户网站访问, 随附数据和车辆参数.
  • Driver-Facing相机 captures video footage of drivers before, 在严重交通事故期间和之后. 这段录像, 以及其他车辆参数数据, is transmitted via web portal to provide fleet operations 和 safety personnel better insight into driver reactions during events.


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